Recent Content by Happy_highlander

  1. Happy_highlander

    OFF-TOPIC Post your photography :)

    Edinburgh zoo.....Unfortunately he was stuck behind a pane of glass. It's criminal I know but sometimes it's the only way to protect them. :(
    Post by: Happy_highlander, Aug 21, 2012 in forum: Pure Off-Topic
  2. Happy_highlander

    OFF-TOPIC Post your photography :)

    Taken with my sgs [ATTACH]
    Post by: Happy_highlander, Aug 21, 2012 in forum: Pure Off-Topic
  3. Happy_highlander

    GENERAL [Show Off] Post your home screen

    Here's mine, just clean and basic but says exactly what I want it to. [ATTACH]
  4. Happy_highlander

    OFF-TOPIC Are you a PC or Mac user?

    Pc for me
    Post by: Happy_highlander, Jul 24, 2012 in forum: Pure Off-Topic
  5. Happy_highlander

    Hello all

    Just a quick hello. I've been using darkyrom on my sgs for over a year now and have decided my registration is long overdue.
    Thread by: Happy_highlander, Jul 22, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Introduce yourself